Home/Blog/console.log('Hello World!');

console.log('Hello World!');

console.log('Hello World!');

Hello, this is the inaugural post of my blog. 🎉

I was thinking about the focus of this first post and I decided not to make it technical, that kind of posts will come soon, I decided to explain why I created this space on the internet and what motivated me to do it.

For those of you who don't know me, there is a short overview of me on the home page. 🙂

The thing is that for several years I have had the desire to build my own blog to share my experiences, ideas, and knowledge with the world.

I have been working on software development for about 12 years, and throughout this time I have had the opportunity to participate in many challenging and interesting projects, meet incredibly talented people from whom I have learned a lot, I have been part of companies that have left a positive mark on me; all of this has allowed me to grow and learn one or two tricks, so why not share them?.

Why did I decide to do it now? After 12 years? Well, I've always been a lover of minimalism, simplicity in solutions (K.I.S.S.). I tried WordPress, some static site generators, plain HTML, but was never satisfied.

However, not long ago the appearance - let's say "official" (because there was nothing new on the stack) - of a new architecture fit perfectly with that passion for minimalism that I've always had, I'm talking about JAMStack.

All these technologies, in their most primitive form, which I have used for so long, together, properly orchestrated, and with the love of the modern web, allow to create what I have always looked for: secure applications and sites, blazing fast and easy to scale. It also closes that gap between the front-end and back-end that has always existed, allowing us to create ingenious solutions that combine a little bit of everything and work just as expected.

One of the main actors in this scene has been Next.js, and I must say that after trying it in some personal projects, I was delighted and this motivated me tremendously to finally bring to life that desire that had been in my head for years.

The thing is that Next.js really makes everything so simple and abstracts a large part of the creation process when we are coding an application or website.

It is very likely that from now on you will find here many posts about Next.js, and it is because it has reawakened that great enthusiasm that I had in my first years of career, and it is not that I have lost motivation, I love what I do, to the point that I don't see it as a job but as a hobby for which I get paid.

After a few nights of coding, I put together this platform that you are looking at, in which I use:

I have enjoyed every second invested in the creation of this space, which was made with a lot of love and enthusiasm.

I sincerely hope that others find this space beneficial for their careers, or who knows maybe even for their personal life.

Do not hesitate to contact me through Twitter, my handle is @arturocr, or in the footer, there are other contact links.

Thanks for reading me, and see you in the next post. ⚡️